BoJack Horseman, the animated comedy-drama series that aired on Netflix from 2014 to 2020, was a show like no other. With its dark humor and raw portrayal of mental health and addiction, it gained a cult following and critical acclaim. But what truly sets BoJack apart is its ability to make us laugh at the absurdity of life while also reminding us of our own struggles.
As fans bid farewell to this beloved series, many are looking for ways to keep the spirit of BoJack alive. And what better way to do that than with some essential merchandise? Here are some must-have items for any true fan.
1. “Stupid Piece of Sh*t” mug – One of the most iconic quotes from the show comes from BoJack himself as he battles with his inner demons. This hilarious and relatable mug is perfect for sipping your morning coffee or tea while contemplating life’s absurdities.
2. “Hollywoo” t-shirt – We all know that Hollywoo (yes, without the ‘D’) is where all the action happens in this fictional world. Show off your love for the show with a t-shirt featuring its name in bold letters.
3. “The View From Halfway Down” poster – Many fans would agree that one of the most powerful episodes in BoJack Horseman Official Merch was “The View From Halfway Down.” This hauntingly beautiful poster featuring Sarah Lynn’s final scene will add depth and emotion to any room.
4. Princess Carolyn pin – She may be an anthropomorphic cat, but Princess Carolyn proved time and again that she’s one fierce feline boss lady. Pay tribute to her with an enamel pin featuring her iconic pink blazer.
5.”VIM neon sign wall light- Anyone who has watched BoJack Horseman knows how much weight is given to hidden meanings in everyday objects like this symbol engraved on VIM craft beer cans: “Villains aren’t always menacing”. That’s why this LED wall light inspired by the VIM logo is a must-have for every fan.
6. “Happy Birthday, Diane” card – Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or not, this card featuring Diane’s famous line “I need you to tell me that I’m a good person” is sure to make anyone smile.
7. BoJack Funko Pop! figure – No merchandise collection would be complete without a Funko Pop! figure. Add BoJack himself to your shelf and keep him around for some much-needed comic relief whenever things get too heavy.
BoJack Horseman may have ended, but its impact on viewers will last for years to come. And with these essential merchandise items, you can continue to embrace the absurdity of life that the show so beautifully portrayed. So grab your favorite item and remember, as BoJack would say, “It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier.